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Age Determination: For horse show purposes, the age of an individual on December 1st will be maintained throughout the current competition year (December 1st to November 30th). A person born on December 1st will assume the greater age on that date. An individual who has reached their 18th birthday as of December 1st of the current competition year is an adult.


Amateur status: In any class that specifies amateur riders, amateur certification is required.


Section eligibility: If an individual is eligible for a section at the beginning of the competition year, that individual remains eligible for that section for the duration of the competition year.



All classes judged on hands, seat, guidance, and control of the horse. For rated sections, complete specifications, course requirements and tests, allowed fence heights, and details regarding combining/dividing sections please see the equitation section of the current USEF rule book and the USHJA Zone 6 specifications.


1. OPEN EQUITATION 11 AND UNDER: Open to riders who have not reached their 12th birthday. Fences 2′–2′6″. See USEF Rule EQ, Zone 6 specs.


2. OPEN EQUITATION 12-14: Open to riders who have reached their 12th but not their 15th birthday. Fences 2′9″–3′3″. See USEF Rule EQ, Zone 6 specs.


3. OPEN EQUITATION 15-17: Open to riders who have reached their 15th but not their 18th birthday. Fences 3′–3′6″. See USEF Rule EQ, Zone 6 specs.


4. ADULT EQUITATION 18 and OVER: Open to amateur riders who have reached their 18th birthday. Fences not to exceed 3′3″. See USEF Rule EQ, Zone 6 specs.


5. LONG STIRRUP EQUITATION, 17 AND UNDER: Open to junior riders who have not won three first place ribbons at any USEF/CEF recognized show over fences which exceeded 2′9″ in height in the past three years. No rider cross entry at the same show between this section and Short Stirrup Hunter/ Equitation, or any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′9″. Fences not to exceed 2′6″. Combinations prohibited. Open to horses or ponies, distances will not be adjusted. Shows offering a Long Stirrup Hunter section are requested to hold at least one Long Stirrup Equitation class.


6. LONG STIRRUP EQUITATION 18 AND OVER: Open to amateur riders who have reached their 18th birthday, and who have not won three first place ribbons at any USEF/CEF recognized show over fences which exceeded 2′9″ in height in the past three years. No rider cross entry at the same show between this section and any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′9″. Fences not to exceed 2′6″. Combinations prohibited. Open to horses or ponies, distances will not be adjusted. Shows offering a Long Stirrup Hunter section are requested to hold at least one Long Stirrup Equitation class.


7. SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION: Open to junior riders who have not reached their 12th birthday and have not won six first place ribbons over fences 2′6″ or higher. No rider may cross enter at the same show between this section and Long Stirrup Hunter/Equitation, or any class where height of fences exceeds 2′6″. Open to horses and ponies; manners emphasized and extreme speed penalized. Fences not to exceed 2′, oxers and combinations prohibited. In flat classes no more than 8 entries may canter at one time and hand gallop is prohibited. Shows offering a Short Stirrup Hunter section are requested to hold at least one Short Stirrup Equitation class.


8. 2’3” EQUITATION: Open to junior and amateur riders. No rider cross entry at the same show between these sections and any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′6″. Fences not to exceed 2′3″. Combinations and oxers prohibited.


9. MODIFIED CHILDREN’S/ ADULT EQUITATION: Open to Junior riders who have not reached their 18th birthday and amateur riders who have reached their 18th birthday and are no longer eligible to compete as a junior exhibitor. Riders in this section may not cross enter into any section where the height of fences exceeds 3′. Fences 2′9″.


10. MHJA HUNT SEAT MEDAL CLASS: Open to junior and amateur riders who are current members of the MHJA. Application for membership must be made directly to the MHJA. To be shown over a course of not less than 8 obstacles not exceeding 3′ in height which must include one combination, one change of direction, and one long approach to a fence. Two or more tests of the top four riders are required, USEF Tests 1–14. Only one rider per horse. Amateur riders in this class may cross enter into classes where fences are 3′6″ or higher. Junior riders in this class may not cross enter, at the same show, into classes where fences are 3′6″ or higher unless they are in their first year of showing over fences 3′6″ or higher; except for the Medal Final class, where they may cross enter if otherwise qualified. First through fourth place winners shall be eligible to compete in the MHJA Hunt Seat Medal Final. The final for this class may be held at a horse show to be announced at the beginning of the year. The Final shall consist of a course of not less than 8 obstacles not exceeding 3′ in height which must include one combination, one change of direction, and one long approach to a fence. All exhibitors shall return for a flat phase. Following the flat phase, two or more tests of the top four riders are required, USEF Tests 1–14. The winner of the final will receive a perpetual trophy. Qualifying for the Medal shall start with the first MHJA Medal class held after the Medal Finals of the previous year and end at the last show prior to the finals of the current year. In the event no final class is held, the perpetual trophy shall be awarded to the rider who has accumulated the most points in the MHJA Hunt Seat Medal class throughout the year.


11. MHJA MINI-MEDAL: Open to junior and amateur riders who are current members of the MHJA. Application for membership must be made directly to the MHJA. Cross entry at the same show into any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′9″ is prohibited. To be shown over a course of at least 8 fences 2′6″ in height. Two tests (USEF Tests 1–8) are required in the first round. If there are 8 or more entries at the beginning of the class, two or more tests of the top four riders are required, USEF Tests 1–8. Only one rider per horse. A final for this class may be held at a horse show designated by the MHJA Board of Directors. Riders who win a first, second, third or fourth place in the Mini-Medal will be eligible for the finals. The final will consist of a first round of at least 8 fences 2′6″ in height. The top four riders will return to be tested at the judge’s discretion from tests 1–8. Exhibitors who qualify in both the Mini-Medal and the MHJA Medal may ride in only one final. Qualifying for the Mini-Medal shall start with the first MHJA Mini-Medal class held after the Mini- Medal Finals of the previous year and end at the last show prior to the finals of the current year. If no final class is held, the year-end award for the medal will be

awarded on points accumulated during the show year.




For sections 1–23, check the current USEF Rule Book and Rule HU for complete

USEF specifications and on-line at for Zone 6 specifications.


1. COMBINED GREEN WORKING HUNTER 3′–3′9″: Horses required to jog. USEF Rule HU










6. CHILDREN'S WORKING HUNTER HORSE 14 and Under: Open to horses that are to be ridden by Junior exhibitors. USEF Rule HU, Zone 6 specs.


7. CHILDREN'S WORKING HUNTER HORSE 15–17: Open to horses that are to be ridden by Junior exhibitors. USEF Rule HU, Zone 6 specs.


8. CHILDREN’S WORKING HUNTER PONY: Open to ponies shown by a junior rider. Riders may not cross enter into USEF rated classes at the same show where the height of fences exceeds 3′3″. USEF Rule HU, Zone 6 specs.


9. ADULT AMATEUR WORKING HUNTER 18–35: USEF Rule HU, Zone 6 specs.


10. ADULT AMATEUR WORKING HUNTER 36–49: USEF Rule HU, Zone 6 specs.




12. USHJA 2′ HUNTER: Fences 2′, oxers are optional, combinations are not permitted. To be shown over a course of at least eight (8) fences. At unrated MHJA approved shows, MHJA 2’ hunter classes will count toward this section.


13. USHJA 2′3″ HUNTER: Fences 2′3″, oxers are optional, combinations are not permitted. To be shown over a course of at least eight (8) fences. At unrated MHJA approved shows, MHJA 2’3” hunter classes will count toward this section.


14. USHJA 2′6″ HUNTER: Fences 2′6″, combinations are permitted. To be shown over a course of at least eight (8) fences. At unrated MHJA approved shows, MHJA 2’6” hunter classes will count toward this section.


15. USHJA 2′9″ HUNTER: Fences 2′9″. Combinations are permitted. To be shown over a course of at least eight (8) fences. At unrated MHJA approved shows, MHJA 2’9” hunter classes will count toward this section.


16. USHJA 3′ HUNTER: Fences 3′, combinations are permitted. To be shown over a course of at least eight (8) fences. At unrated MHJA approved shows, MHJA 3’ hunter classes will count toward this section.


17. LOW ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER (USHJA LOW ADULT): Open to amateur riders who have reached their 18th birthday and are no longer eligible to compete as a junior exhibitor. Open to horses and ponies. Not to jog. Fences 2′6″. Zone 6 specs.


18. LOW CHILDREN’S HUNTER (USHJA LOW CHILDREN'S): Open to riders who have not reached their 18th birthday. Open to horses and ponies. Not to jog. Fences 2′6″. Zone 6 specs.


19. THOROUGHBRED HUNTER: May be USEF recognized or an unrecognized section. USEF fences 3′, unrecognized 2′9″. MHJA will count points from either USEF TB hunter sections or unrecognized TB hunter sections for the year end award. PLEASE NOTE – Exhibitors who are interested in points for Zone 6 Horse of the Year award for TB Hunter should make sure they show in the USEF approved sections. These are not offered at all shows.


20. LONG STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER 17 AND UNDER: Open to junior riders who have not won three first place ribbons at any USEF/CEF recognized show over fences which exceeded 2′9″ in height in the past three years, including equitation. No rider cross entry at the same show between this section and Short Stirrup Hunter/ Equitation, or any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′9″. Fences not to exceed 2′6″. Combinations prohibited. Open to horses or ponies, manners emphasized, extreme speed penalized. Hand gallop is prohibited in under saddle classes. Shows offering a Long Stirrup Hunter section are requested to offer at least one Long Stirrup Equitation class.


21. LONG STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER 18 AND OVER: Open to amateur riders who have reached their 18th birthday and who have not won three first place ribbons at any USEF/CEF recognized show over fences which exceeded 2′9″ in height in the past three years, including equitation. No rider cross entry at the same show between this section and any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′9″. Fences not to exceed 2′6″. Combinations prohibited. Open to horses or ponies, manners emphasized, extreme speed penalized. Hand gallop is prohibited in under saddle classes. Shows offering a Long Stirrup Hunter section are requested to offer at least one Long Stirrup Equitation class.


22. SHORT STIRRUP WORKING HUNTER: Open to junior riders who have not reached their 12th birthday and have not won six first place ribbons over fences 2′6″ or higher. No rider may cross enter at the same show between Short Stirrup Hunter/ Equitation and Long Stirrup Hunter/ Equitation, or between Short Stirrup Hunter/Equitation and any class where height of fences exceeds 2′6″. Open to horses or ponies; manners emphasized, and extreme speed penalized. Fences not to exceed 2′, oxers and combinations prohibited. In under saddle classes no more than 8 entries may canter at one time and hand gallop is prohibited. Shows offering a Short Stirrup Hunter Section are requested to offer at least one Short Stirrup Equitation class.


23. LOW JUNIOR/AMATEUR WORKING HUNTER: Open to junior riders and amateur riders no longer eligible to compete as a junior exhibitor. Horse/rider combinations entered in Low Junior/Amateur may not cross enter into Modified Children’s/Adult or into classes where the height of fences exceeds 3′6″. Riders may, if otherwise qualified, enter the Modified Children’s/Adult on a different mount. Riders may also enter classes where the height of fences exceeds 3″6″ on another mount. To be judged on

performance and soundness, emphasis on manners. Height of fences 3′. Entries not to jog for ribbons.


24. STARTER HUNTER: Open to junior and amateur riders who have not reached their 30th birthday. No rider cross entry at the same show between this section and any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′6″. Fences not to exceed 2′3″. Combinations and oxers prohibited. Open to horses and ponies. No jog.


25. MASTER’S HUNTER (RUSTY STIRRUP): Open to junior and amateur riders who have reached their 30th birthday. No rider cross entry at the same show between this section and any class where the height of fences exceeds 2′6″. Fences not to exceed 2′3″. Combinations and oxers prohibited. Open to horses and ponies. No jog.


26. MODIFIED ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER: Open to amateur riders who have reached their 18th birthday and are no longer eligible to compete as a junior exhibitor. No horse/rider cross entry at the same show between this section and the Low Junior/Amateur section or any class where the height of fences exceeds 3′. Riders may cross enter into other sections on a different horse. The horse may cross enter into

other sections with a different rider. Not to jog. Height of fences 2′9″.


27. MODIFIED CHILDREN’S HUNTER: Open to junior riders who have not reached their 18th birthday. Open to horses and ponies. No horse/rider rider cross entry at the same show between this section and the Low Junior/Amateur section or any class where the height of fences exceeds 3′. Riders may cross enter into other sections on a different horse. The horse may cross enter into other sections with a different rider. Not to jog. Height of fences 2′9″.


28. BABY GREEN WORKING HUNTER: Open to horses in their first two years of showing. Horses entered in this section may not cross enter into classes where the height of fences exceeds 3′. Fences 2′6″. No combinations, no hand gallop, no jog.





All sections except pony jumpers are open to horses and ponies and are to be conducted

and scored in accordance with USEF and Zone 6 Rules and Regulations.


1. .70 - .75m JUMPER


2. .80-.85m JUMPER


3. .90m -.95m JUMPER


4. 1.0m and 1.05m JUMPER


5. 1.10m JUMPER


6. 1.15m JUMPER


7. 1.20m and 1.25m JUMPER


8. 1.30m and above JUMPER: All classes for 1.30m and above jumpers.




10. MODIFIED JUNIOR JUMPER: Open to junior riders. Fence height .85m to .90m.


11. MODIFIED AMATEUR JUMPER: Open to amateur riders. Fence height .85m to .90m.


12. 1.00/1.05m JUNIOR JUMPER: Open to junior riders. Fences 1.0m – 1.05m. See Zone 6 specs.


13. 1.00/1.05m AMATEUR JUMPER: Open to amateur riders. Fences 1.0m – 1.05m. See Zone 6 specs.


14. 1.10/1.15m JUNIOR JUMPER: Open to junior riders. Fences 1.10m -1.15m. See Zone 6 specs.


15. 1.10/1.15m AMATEUR JUMPER: Open to amateur riders. Fences 1.10 -1.15m. See Zone 6 specs.


16. 1.20m and higher JUNIOR / AMATEUR JUMPER: Open to junior or amateur riders. Includes all junior and amateur jumper classes with fences 1.20m and higher. Must be conducted and scored in accordance with USEF Rules and Regulations.







To be eligible for a year-end award from the MHJA, you will need to join the MHJA as a competition member. Opportunity and Outreach Classes will follow all requirements set forth under the MHJA Year End Awards Program. See USEF/USHJA rules regarding the most updated specifications for Opportunity and Outreach classes.


1. OPPORTUNITY / OUTREACH HUNTER: Open to any rider who is eligible for Opportunity / Outreach classes. Any Opportunity or Outreach Hunter class will count for this award. Manners emphasized and extreme speed to be penalized. ALL Opportunity and Outreach Classes - Hunter- shall be counted equally for one year-end award. If a rider has more than one entry in an Opportunity or Outreach Hunter class,

only the top placing entry will be counted.


2. OPPORTUNITY / OUTREACH EQUITATION: Open to any rider who is eligible for Opportunity / Outreach classes. Any Opportunity or Outreach Equitation class will count for this award. Judged on hands, seat, guidance and control of mount. ALL Opportunity and Outreach Classes – Equitation - shall be counted equally for one year-end award.


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