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The following sections will be awarded MHJA Year End Awards (YEA) if there are valid
participants. All MHJA horses and/or riders are eligible provided they have followed the
requirements set forth in the MHJA Year End Awards Program.
Opportunity / Outreach Classes
Equitation Division
Hunter Division
Jumper Division
1. Opportunity / Outreach Hunter
2. Opportunity / Outreach Equitation
1. Open Equitation, 11 and under
2. Open Equitation, 12–14
3. Open Equitation, 15–17
4. Adult Amateur Equitation, 18 and over
5. Modified Children’s / Adult Equitation
6. Low Children’s / Adult Equitation
7. Long Stirrup Equitation
8. Short Stirrup Equitation
9. 2’3” Equitation
10. MHJA Medal
11. MHJA Mini-Medal
Equitation sections 1–3 may be combined for YEAs if there are fewer than 6 qualifiers in each section.
Equitation sections 4–7 and 9 may be split into age sections for YEAs if there are 6 or more qualifiers in each age section.
1. Combined Green Working Hunter
2. Combined Performance Working Hunter
3. Amateur Owner Working Hunter
4. Junior Working Hunter
5. Combined Pony Working Hunter
6. Children’s Working Hunter Horse 14 and under
7. Children’s Working Hunter Horse 15–17
8. Children’s Working Hunter Pony
9. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 35 and under
10. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 36–49
11. Adult Amateur Working Hunter 50 and over
12. USHJA Hunter 2′
13. USHJA Hunter 2′3″
14. USHJA Hunter 2′6″
15. USHJA Hunter 2′9″
16. USHJA Hunter 3′
17. Low Adult Hunter (USHJA Low Adult Hunter) 2′6″
18. Low Children’s Hunter (USHJA Low Children’s Hunter) 2′6″
19. Thoroughbred Hunter
20. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 17 and under
21. Long Stirrup Working Hunter 18 and over
22. Short Stirrup Working Hunter
23. Low Junior/Amateur Working Hunter
24. Starter Hunter
25. Master/Rusty Stirrup Hunter
26. Modified Adult Hunter 2′9″
27. Modified Children’s Hunter 2′9″
28. Baby Green Hunter
Hunter sections 1–4: 3′6″ sections may be split for YEA if there are 3 qualifiers at that height.
Hunter sections 5–8 may be split for into size sections for YEA if there are 6 qualifiers in each size.
Hunter sections 6–11, 17–18, 20–21, and 24–27 may be combined, as allowed by section specifications, for YEAs if there are fewer than 6 qualifiers in a section.
Hunter sections 1–18 are Zone Year End Award Sections. They are governed by either USEF rules or USHJA Zone 6 rules.
1. 0.70–0.75m Jumper
2. 0.80–0.85m Jumper
3. 0.90–0.95m Jumper
4. 1.0–1.05m Jumper
5. 1.10m Jumper
6. 1.15m Jumper
7. 1.20–1.25m Jumper
8. 1.30m and above Jumper
9. Pony Jumper (USEF specs)
10. Modified Junior Jumper 0.85–0.90m
11. Modified Amateur Jumper 0.85–0.90m
12. 1.00/1.05m Junior Jumper 1.0–1.05m (USHJA Zone 6 specs)
13. 1.10/1.15m Junior Jumper 1.10–1.15m (USHJA Zone 6 specs)
14. 1.00/1.05m Amateur Jumper 1.0–1.05m (USHJA Zone 6 specs)
15. 1.10/1.15m Amateur Jumper 1.10–1.15m (USHJA Zone 6 specs)
16. 1.20m or higher Junior / Amateur Jumper (USEF specs)
17. Thoroughbred Jumper
Jumper section 16 may be split for YEAs if there are 6 qualifiers in each section.
Any section, in any Division, may be split for YEAs using a California split if there are 30 or more qualifiers.